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BigSky Home inspection Services

Welcome to BigSky Home Inspections, your trusted partner providing full service Home inspections, Pre-listing inspections, Radon testing, Well/water testing and much more...

Licensed in NY & CT, and a proud member InterNACHI, the world’s largest trade organization of residential and commercial property inspectors.  InterNACHI® School is accredited as a nonprofit post-secondary educational institution by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training, a national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), to provide tuition-free online training, examination, certification, and continuing education to InterNACHI® members. 

BigSky Home Inspections leverages 40 years of construction/building experience and the latest and greatest online inspection technology and software which provide detailed information backed by photographs with descriptions on areas of concern found during the inspection process.  The inspection report will also be a valuable resource that list all strengths and weaknesses of the property after your purchase.   

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Detailed Home Inspection For The Buyer

We take very serious the expectations our clients have when engaging BigSky Home Inspections to provide a detailed inspection report that highlights all aspects of the homes condition.  Our professional approach leveraging over 40 years in the building industry is what sets BigSky Home Inspections apart from other home inspectors.  

Our motto is "we represent and work hard for our clients".  We understand the needs and wishes of our clients which enable us to provide a detailed and thorough inspection report.  This report will provide the  neccessary information so they can make an informed decision on the purchase of the property that is being inspected.  

Your detailed inspection is broken into 10 key areas of focus:

  • General property information and Site; which details the grading, vegitation intrusion, retaining walls, driveway/walkways, decks and patios

  • Exterior; Exterior covering, trims, windows,doors balconies, railings etc..

  • Roofing; Roof design, covering, estimated age and health, soffit and fascias.

  • Structure; Includes foundation type/material, check for water penetration, wall structure and floor structures.

  • Electrical; Service type and components, disconnects, panel locations, grounding, Over current protection, GFCI/AFCI and health of down line components

  • HVAC; heating and cooling components, age, thermostat locations etc.

  • Plumbing; Municipal water service, well service and components, water heaters, internal plumbing components in kitchens, bathrooms, laundry etc.

  • Interior structure; Floors, walls, windows, entry/interior doors, structural wall and components.

  • Garage / Out buildings; both attached and unattached.

  • Fireplaces; level one inspection of fireplaces to include working damper, structural components to include firebox and heath.

Our goal is to provide a detailed report that highlights all aspects of the properties health as detailed and viewed on the day of inspection.  

Radon and WaterTesting

Personalized Approach

Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the natural decay of uranium which is found in nearly all soils.  The radon gas moves up through the ground to the air above and into your home through cracks in foundation walls and floors.  Radon gas can also enter your home through well water when you run your tap or showers.  Radon is odorless and not visible but your home easily traps it an allows it to build up where it can be harmful.  According the to EPA, Radon is the second leading cause of Lung Cancer and recommends every home be tested before purchasing.  Radon is measured in pCi/L(pico curies per liter), and the EPA recommends a Radon Mitigation system that measure between 2 and 4 pCi/L or higher.

BIGSKY Home Inspections is happy to provide the Radon test to insure peace of mind when considering purchasing a property.

Pre-Home Inspection Services

Inspect before you list!

Home buyers typically hire professional home inspectors to identify any problems with a property prior to final negotiations and closing. As a seller, assessing the condition of your home and making necessary repairs before putting your house on the market can boost your home's value and prevent delays in the closing process. Often potential sellers focus on aesthetic areas of the home to help lure and increase the appeal to future buyers.  Often these repairs or updates can be costly.  When you finally have a buyer that is interested only to find out they want to negotiate the listing price because their Home Inspector found issues with core functional defects of the home that could be costly to repair.  This surprise can easily be eliminated buy hiring BigSky Home Inspections to complete a Pre-Listing inspection to identify defect areas or repairs that are necessary to make the home appealing to all would-be buyers.  

Focus areas include but not limited to:

-Basements/Crawl spaces, Attics

-Signs of water intrusion/Mildew/ Mildew Odors

-Gutters and downspouts

-Roofs, Chimneys, Flashing

-Heating and Air Conditioning HVAC

-Plumbing devises and mechanicals

-Electrical Systems and Components

-Structural areas 

-Safety Items such as railings, decks/porches etc..

-Exterior items such as dangerous walkways, grades, trees & overgrown vegitation, overhead electrical lines etc.

When hired to do a Pre-Inspection I typically inspect the property with the seller and a detailed check list which will identify and highlight the areas of concern for the seller to remedy or improve.  

BIGSKY Home Inspections gives you peace of mind of knowing all the details of the property you are looking to purchase.  We help our customers in making informed purchasing decisions.

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